date: 23 nov 2008
venue: seri kembangan, selangor.
photographers: suriya and irwan (
we have waited 1 month plus for this album! finally it is done! yay! thanx suriya and irwan! we really love all of the pix! mmuah!
so here they are.. enjoy! (click on the picture to enlarge)
me in the making...
there were few times when lenny tersepit my eyelids...auwch!

i have no idea on how much lenny worked to cover my puffy panda eyes!

the dress

gincu bibir. hih


bersama ibu saya

the discussion

ibu dan aunties tersenyum gembira

mereka pun gembira

mereka juga

saya lagilaa gembira!

ahem.. tambahan pula si dia

tapi saya harus bertenang

dan bertenang...

akhirnya mendapat cincin dari nenek si dia


si dia tidak ketinggalan mendapat cincin dari bapaku





with precious people

bersama tenaga kerja, jasamu dikenang!

my wonderful familia (just some of em)

sekian terima kasih!
lovely...tak sabar nak tgk semua gmbr2 yg ada..
kak ederQ,cincin arif 2 ape?platinum ke?
fie xtau la..fie nk beli utk laki jgk..xkan pmpuan je yg sarung cincin..huhu..
mira: tq syg.. nt tgk album ok? PG: wah PG da nk tng ke? phewit! cincin tng bg suase pth je dek oi kt laki. platinum bagai kawen ler br bagi. hihi...
besh2....siap ade story lak ko ni....
x sabo gak nk tgk real pics
Hehe, bes bes tgk majlis ni...siap ade crite lg kau ni...so sweet
Rasa tak sabar nak tunang gak, ecece
hehehe..cincin abg arip 2 suasa putih ek?mne la sy tau..huhu..
ok..tgk gambar k.ederq nie xsabo lak nk tunang..hehe.. :)
agak2 bpe la bajet tunang nie??5ribu msti xckup kn? O_o
makdat: hihi. tq.cpt2 la tng yer.
PG: betulke da nk tng ni? fuiyo! bgs2. survey2 dlu ape yg PG nak, then only boleh wat budgeting. all the best! ;)
hehehe..shantek.. :)
doa kan PG..
tgh plan je skrg nie..
ok..ape2 pun,pix tunang mmg comey..
u looked gorgeous..both with & without d make up. congrats,darlin! you're a few more steps to join my club, next! hahaha
azea: tq babe. oh no no, long way to go... lmbt lg. :)
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