Many have asked, how it's like being a mom? most of the time i beamed and said,
BEST! tapi PENAT! It has been almost 3 months now and i did mention that I'm still struggling with my time management. I am slow like that, hehe.
The first 2 months was a huge challenge to us as parents as our lil princess is not an easy baby like most babies. She cries like a lot as she a colicky baby. Putting her to sleep was the most difficult thing to do on earth. Okay that is too much, but it IS not easy. We, okay scratch that,
I have to dodoi her for sometimes up to 2 hrs and she only slept for 5 minute when being put and i have to restart all over again. So to be fair to myself, i put her on my chest and both of us can sleep, so I can rest.
0-14 days, she sleeps like nobody's business during the day and wake us up every hour during the night. But after that she became restless at most of time. bergayut like ALL the time and cry ALL the time. everytime celik, things that she does most was crying. mandi je suka.
she cries for loads of reason of course. other than hunger and wet diaper and nak dukung, she also kena kacau and colic and some other unknown reason. god, it was tiring!
Few days before I went back to work, we bought pacifier because she always nak gayut sampai muntah, thought that will help her to ease herself and help her to sleep better. But it only works few times only. She hardly wants pacifier.
Few days before I started working, we also bought buai for her. My mom suggested buai as eisya will never ever sleep for more than 15min when we put her in her cot / rocker / tilam (since she was a month young. masa beralih bulan. within the first month, she tidur siang and berjaga malam).

well of course lah we are so reluctant to use buai, but tak kan nak susahkan my mom. if i'm around, i will be the buai sampai nak patah pinggang. so eisya pun berbuai. but she does not like it at first. nak2 if i yang letak memang tak jadi. nak i dodoi jugak. but if my mom, okay pulak.
but being datin eisya, telinga lintah. dengar assalamualaikum rumah sebelah pun dia bangun. so i nak bersin pon tahan2. cakap bisik2. and dia buai dihenjut non stop. so my cousin hadiahkan electric box. and we put the buai kat bilik belakang. so now yes, she sleeps longer during the day. but before masuk buai kena dodoi kat dada sampai lena. nyanyi2 joget2.
nasiblah malam2 dia okay. bangun susu and change diaper je. tapi adalah few times yang dia mengada nak tidur beriba or atas dada. sakit pinggang mommy tidur sambil duduk berjam2.
datin eisya also the baby who does not like to be put down. she likes to be held. and i know u all mesti kata siapa suruh ajar dukung? if you are with me since day one she was born, you will never ever say that. because she is that type since awal2 lagi.
like most of people will say, it is all about training. and it is us yang tak pandai and terlalu manjakan anak or my mom manjakan cucu bla bla bla.
if you said:
baringkan je baby, tepuk2 sampai dia tidur. tak payah buai. buai tak elok. tiarapkan baby nanti dia tidur lama. bagi je nenen, jangan bagi puting nanti jongang, nanti keliru puting, nanti tak nak lepas puting sampai besar. biar je baby nangis, jangan dukung nanti dia dah biasa asyik nak dukung je. for god sake, you think we never ever tried? and you think all babies are the same? even you and me are not the same! and you have no idea datin eisya menangis sampai serak suara since i konon nak train. ke nak kena train sampai dia tak ada suara? sampai lah hati kannn. sampai jiran2 pun pelik lah kenapalah my baby ni kuat sangat nangis.
so yes, it was tiring and stressful. but it is more tiring and stressful upon all those negative comments yang macam kita ni tak pandai jaga anak. mentang2 anak/cucu dorang tidur je, baik je kan. so they never feel us.
but now alhamdulillah, she is getting better. colic pon dah jarang. harap hilang terus sebab kesian sangat. nak kentut pun menangis.

her mood is at her best during early morning. subuh2 kejut mommy papa solat. belum agah dah senyum2 nampak lesung pipit dan gusi. suka ketawa bila agah. and sangat manja with mommy and papa. she knows us.
kalau dah petang or malam or weekend, tanak dgn org lain. after long weekend, pagi2 amok sebab tak dapat nenen. if i balik lambat, petang tu amok jugak sebab tak dapat nenen. (cemana nak OS??)

dah boleh main sendiri tapi kena ada orang kat dia. kalau sedar dari tidur, tak nangis dulu, tapi dia try nak meniarap. tak dapat baru nangis. hehe.
dulu kalau change diaper je ya allah, menangis macam kena cubit kuat2. now dah okay la jugak. nangis sikit2 mula2, pastu bila da bersihkan, bogelkan jap dia. seronok terus. ingat dia orang besar kot tanak pakai diaper.

she still amok lah at times. especially time nak tidur. ya allah kalau dia nak tidur then banyak gangguan ha bersabar jelah sampai dia lena. but if she is too tired, tak payah dodoi. kadang letak baru nak agah dah lelap. or dukung kejap, terus lentok.

kalau bawak berjalan pun, dia okay. suka dok dalam stroller asalkan keep on moving. sabar je. amok time nak tidur lah. kadang i kena nenen dia kat baby room sambil joget so that dia tidur. kalau lapa, kalau sempat we ran to baby room. kalau tak, i nurse in public je. either pakai nursing wear or nursing poncho.

so after 3 months being a mom to datin eisya, i can say that, i am so content. she is not an easy baby but i hope she will be a good girl when she grows up and remember us the parents n tok nenek, aunty uncle dia yang bersusah payah.
i harap lepas ni dia da boleh kurangkan kehendak didukung tu. sebab now dia dah rajin nak try meniarap (actually masa dalam pantang lagi dia asal baringkan dia turn to the side). if asyik dukung bila nak pandai kan. tak apa, mommy tak kisah lambat cepat boleh buat itu ini asalkan sihat ok.
dan paling diharap adalah supaya her painful colic dia hilang terus! huhu.
kepada orang yang macam2 kata, please understand, all babies are not the same.
and i am so lega because we are not the only one who's dealing with this. i found few friends/bloggers/members of FB moms groups (like KIM, Mommies United) yang face the same situation.
oh ya, datin tu my mom yang bagi nama sebab eisya garang and demanding kan. hehe.
okay baby eisya adelea, happy 3 months young! we love you!