okay bear with me.
i have got 3 months to go and now i mean right this moment i am so utterly depressed thinking of this coming wedding!
it's becoming worse when reading all those bride to be blogs. they seem so prepared and they have lost kgs and kgs and all the preps are nearly done and they are like so ready to be the bride.
and here i am. feeling so not ready for the big day yet. urgh! depressed!
well actually i can't wait for it. but thinking of the unprepared things, i wish i can have another year.
3 bulan itu maseh lama lg weyh. pikirkan aku ni. sebulan. sebulan okay. lg la sgt stress! aku rasa mcm byk je x settle :(
meeza dont exaggerate eh. kau ada 1 month plus okay. plus. plus. cherish that plus. haha
xde2 tipu. aku tengok kau dah banyak ready.
besides unfair to compare aku dgn kau. try compare dgn org yg nk kawen sama bulan dgn aku. they prepared! OMG im so screwed.
hello babe.. bawak2 bertenang.. ehehe.. lega nye azab i dh lepas! ngeeee!!!
miss b: wuwuw is it normal for me being like this? were u like this before?
oh beshya u dah tak payah pk dahhh.
hahah rilex la.. aku masa nak kawin dulu.. beria-ia diet.. sampi duit riban abis konon nk kurus.. tapi.. huarghhhhh lagi gomok tau tak.. tensen tgk gbr kawin aku.. nasib baju muat lg nk pakai.. dah ler aku tempah baju kawin awal lak tu.. yang aneh tu.. org ckp pas aku bersalin lagi kurus dari masa aku kawin dulu.. kan best kalo aku kurus masa kawin dulu.. mesti gbr aku cun-melecun.. nasibb badan..
okay2 relaxxx. relaxxxxx
azza kau mana ada gemok aku tgk gmbr kau kawen dulu. cun je weh!
wah yeke pas bersalin lagi kurus? maka kena bersalin la ni baru aku kurus. hahahah!
To my dear sis,
Take a easy will ya. Semua ni dugaan dari Yang Maha Penyanyang. Banyak kan berdoa agar dikurangkan keserabutan di kepala. Nervous tu memang lumrah sesiapa yg kan menuju ke alam perkahwinan. Tapi nak seribu daya xmo seribu dalih kakak ei.You both should know abt this when you make a decision to get marry.
Jauhkan sikap mudah gundah gulana tu. Jgn dilayan sangat.
hihihih..aku pon dlu pk cm ko la..mcm byk bde xsetel..huhuhu..tp i'Allah, klo jalan kebaikan ni, Allah akan bg jalan utk memudahkan semuanya..lega sbb aku da lepas..alhamdulillaah
lea: tula aku pun byk dengar org ckp mcm tu la. aku harap sangat aku pun dapat lah rahmat tu. aminn. doakan aku ok. :)
Hi..my 1st time here.3 mths tu sempat buat mcm2 lagi..i tempah my baju seme 3 mths before.hehe.take 1 thing a time..one mth before ur wedd u will c wut u have done.all d best!:)
Hi..my 1st time here.3 mths tu sempat buat mcm2 lagi..i tempah my baju seme 3 mths before.hehe.take 1 thing a time..one mth before ur wedd u will c wut u have done.all d best!:)
Hi..my 1st time here.3 mths tu sempat buat mcm2 lagi..i tempah my baju seme 3 mths before.hehe.take 1 thing a time..one mth before ur wedd u will c wut u have done.all d best!:)
hamdan: pray for me. tq
dialicious: tq for dropping by. :) yes mmg macam byk lg yg boleh (dan kena) buat. okay i think im the one who extremely freak out. haha!
chill k derq, wedding is a big thing, memang akan rasa macam unprepare wpun dah buat mcm2..semak balik checlist ko..hope semua berjalan lancar yeaa :)
tq kak mas n omey. i think i je yg glabah lebih lah. hihi. hope its normal. haha! pray for me lads! xoxo
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