tapi tiba2 ida haryanti my good friend kat 1st college UM dulu, made my day.
both of us are pregnant. my baby is 1 week older than hers.
conversation kat bawah ni buat i ketawa sakit perut sebab teringat kisah2 sengal kat UM masa kat first college dulu.
mesti korang tak faham pun baca ni. tak apa. nanti later i blog pasal tu.

yeah baby!!! i know i can made ur day!!! hehe!!! 1st cllg will alwiz be in our mind rite!!! not bcos the people there but bcos of us...
ida eh? hahaha aku suka gila zaman tu. memang tak dapat dah mana2!
ida eh? hahaha aku suka gila zaman tu. memang tak dapat dah mana2!
happy belated bday ederq =)
tq fathiyah :)
adeh...pressure ni most of my blogging girls dah masuk motherhood season. ;p
azea: hahah! marilah join! tamatkan honeymoonnnnn! hihih
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