mata duitan

Saturday, July 25, 2009

the man who forgets his lover's birthday

oh yes he actually did forget my birthday! funny but a bit frustrated tau. he usually will be the first to wish. i waited, till evening. still nothing!

he did call but we were talking about something else. kad kahwin la, about meeting up la apa la. that moment i thought, did he actually forget? or ada surprise ke apa? mmmh..

so we went out. he didn't mention anything yet. okay act casual je lah. tapi dalam hati, cis bedebah! hihi.

then we had dinner at secret recipe. dalam hati i, okay, mesti dia nak beli cake wat surprise kat sini. like i penah buat kat dia dulu. hihi.. tapi tak ponnn.

then i try to hint him. waa sedapnya ada choc strawberry cake! then he said, okay, we order meals first kalau tak kenyang baru order dessert okay.

lepas makan still tak ada apa jugak. then i said kenyang gila lah. nasib baik tak order cake. then he just agreed je.

lepas tu pergi maybank treat fair ingat nak tengok holiday package for honeymoon. but nothing interesting pon. tunggu matta fair lah.

then pergi MJ. tengok ada banyak shoes and bags for sale. then i looked around. then he said, hunny pilihlah. mana tau b boleh belikan for your birthday, sambil tengok jam nak tengok date. eh eh (muka dah pucat) hari ni birthday hunny eh.

masa ni i tiba tiba rasa hendak marah dan geram dan kelakar. i dare not look into his eyes and i heard him said yang, sorry sorry. teruknya b lupa birthday hunny.

and he asked me to choose any bag for my birthday present. taknakkkk! ceh poyo perempuan ni jual mahal tak nak kononnn. padahallll.

and then you know lah. the usual drama went on. i nagged and merajuk and dia pujuk tapi last last i kena marah coz tak makan pujuk. cisss!!!!! geramnyaaaaaaaa...

ishhh b, i cant believe you forget. tapi tak pelah. i know you are still adjusting at your new place. and you don't like the place you are staying now and and okayy alasannnn. dan boleh pulak nak compare which on your last year's birthday, i was at New Zealand. eh eh tapi i did call to wish some more got present from NZ tauuuuuu.

actually i dont mind pon if this year i dont get any fancy pressie from you tapiii the thought matters okayyy. i know we dont need calendar reminder to remind our importants dates. tapi setla the reminder in your biological calendar.

b, muda2 lagi da lupa date tauuuuu. sampai hati.

okay mesti b bengang hunny blog bout this. haha padan muka. tapi b, hunny sayang je. saja je nak carik point. sukaaa buat b rasa guilty. muahahahha.

okay tak tak. i love you more and more and more okay. dah2 pegi carik handbag guess merah menyala tu ada tak kat JB atauuu kasut crocs tu. hhhihihihi.


yaNa said...

ok ar tue lupa thn nie least dia ingat pd hari yg sama..

aku plak,
every year,faizul akan teringat besday aku ms aku celebrete besday dia!

"ayg,arie nie dah 9hb jan ek? alamak! 4hb jan dah lps!"

bleh x? setiap tahun ok..

ederq said...

hahah! inaaa! kejam okl pak tam. hahha! kalau aku dah muncunggg. hahaha

Anonymous said...

alaaah..xde hal la..da nak kawin nih, kepala mesti serabut wey..hahaha..jgn amek hati..

ederq said...

lea, saja je bermanja2 mengada2. haha

Unknown said...

ederq!! kemaafan kelewatan mengucapkan Selamat Ulang Tahun!!! Semoga hidup tambah seri-seri meniti hari yang bertambah seri kelak! :)

ederq said...

fati, tq. tidak perlu minta maaflah. fati lewat x apa. x wish pon i tak merajuk. hihi

ederq said...

bukan comel kak mas! kejam! hahahah

shah mustaine said...

hukhuk...lawak btol abg hang nih...biasak la...dlm kepala byk korang dah nk dkt...bape jam di dinding je lg...pastu bru masuk opis baru...environment baru...x biase la...stay pun umah baru...jd dia x menjadi diri dia spt yg ko kenal...maapkan je la abg ko tuh...fitrah manusia pelupe...ngko pun ape kurangnyer cik tem

ederq said...

iya donk roy. aku mmg da maafkan pon la. xde apa pon. cuma time tu macam pelik gila la sebab tak penah2 macam tu. haha!

.:pUbLiC_eNeMy:. said...

ehehehe..klakar oke..sbr je kak.. :))

aNoi said...


Orang pompuan mmg cmtue kan.. suek jek nk org laki ni rase guilty.

Ala. Tapi kite buat sesuka jek sebab nk manja2 jek utk dipujuk. kan ederq kan?


ederq said...

btol tu sern! hihi