mata duitan

Friday, August 6, 2010

admitted and discharged

these few weeks were so stressful and tiring. so dr advised me to rest at the hospital.

2 days je. mula okay coz rasa relax and kurang muntah. since ubat muntah masuk ikut drip bukan oral. kalau oral bwelkkkk keluar balik.


everyone said muka i pucat macam mayat. muka kuning. huhuhu

second day, dah boring. tak sempat tunggu dr zarul dah mintak nak discharge. hihi

thanks to my family yang menjaga penuh dedikasi ibu merandung ni. and b coz sudi nak manjakan and take a good care of hunny lagi.

friends yang risau2 tak payah risau. biasalah ni hehe.

baby, mummy is fine and hope so are you. 6 months to go. and i cant wait to hold you in my arms. i know all these will be worth it! i love you baby!


aNoiHalim said...

Sila jaga diri + banyak2 berehat... xoxox

syiekin azam said...

take care ye mami ederq..u can do it..:D

Mag said...

lohh..sekarang dah okke? tc dear

ederq said...

skrg muka aku da merah sket. means da ada darah kot. alhamdulillah tapi migrain x hilang lg. thanks korang.

ezreen said...

Jaga diri elok2~~~

dialicious said...

ieda...u dh ok ke?alhamdulillah..kenapa admitted?ikut jejak ur mom dulu eh..hehehe
tcare of urself n d baby!

e.t.t.y said...

weyyy jaga diri baik2!

Fakhariah said...

Salam..semoga u cepat sembuh,mudah2an both mummy dan baby sihat2 aje.Amin


ederq said...

reen n etty: will do :)

diah: haha tula pasal mmg keturunan lah nmpknya. besh ok drip. sangattt besh. hahaha