mata duitan

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

T for TAG

baiklah ini adalah kali pertama aku nak selesaikan tag dalam blog. aku telah ditag oleh kak mas.


1) Anda perlu printscreen wallpaper anda yang tengah gune skang jangan tipu2 ek x suke...

2) Bgtau nape anda suke wallpaper anda ituhh...

kerana ada gambar jebon mendebon and ofy time baby. sangat suka.

The 4 Things

4 names that friends call u
1. ederq
2. ieda
3. zuraida
4. zu (ya ampun aku tak suke tau)

4 most important dates in ur life
1. 10/12 (my mom's birthday)
2. 21/5 (my dad's birthday)
3. 8/10 (my fiance's birthday)
4. 4/7/2003 (the day me and ariff as a couple. GEDIK)

4 things u've done in the last 30minutes
1. went to toilet
2. talked to olynn
3. lunch
4. ACAD drawings

4 ways to be happy
1. SHOPPING! oh i'm so easy to please
2. love and loved
3. have faith in ALLAH
4. be with my girlfriends

4 gifts u would like to receive
1. spa treat
2. black eyeliner (liquid or kohl) - i lost mine. so pokai to get a new one.
3. cash
4. Vera Wang Floral Princess perfume

4 of ur fav. hobbies
1. shopping sehingga miskin
2. swimming walau semput
3. books
4. enjoying good food

4 places u want to go for vacation
1. Maldives
2. Switzerland
3. Sipadan
4. Korea

4 things always found in ur bag
1. purse
2. lip gloss
3. external hard disk
4. face mist

4 u love so much
1. my family
2. ariff
3. jebon n ofy
4. all my PRECIOUS friends

4 things special for u
1. i hope, i dream, i strive, i get
2. when people appreciate me as i am
3. being hugged (i love hugs. it distress! try yourself. oi aku tak ajar korang buat maksiat tau)
4. when people has some appreciation on little things

ala yg 3rd tag ni i malas la nk carik kt HD. hihi

baiklah sekarang aku tag KAU! ha buat. kalu tak, aku sumpah korang kene gigit CHARLIE. ha kenal tak?



aku ada masalah sket ni....aku tak paham apa itu tag....nak ape sebenarnya.....aku sbnrnye malu nak buat2 tak malu jelah.....

.:pUbLiC_eNeMy:. said...

ok..saya pun xpaham..ngee~