mata duitan

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

his unforgotten birthday

muka terpaksa berpuas hati tak dapat birthday cake. dessert pun okay la kannn. support sket cik tunang awak diet okeh. hih

muka terkejut ariff bila hanya dapat hadiah tengok wayang premiere. tak ada birthday present. hih

and by the way, we had his birthday dinner at pannaz. a recomended place to go. affordable, cosy and the food is not bad. yum!

happy birthday darl!


AaAa said...

tq so much dear...
alwiz a surprise on my bufday..

Ms. Omey said...

sweet couple :)
xpe takde adiah. its the thought which counts.

ederq said...

B: it's not really a surprise when u expected it already. hih.

omey: TQ dear. :)

kak mas: ieda stragel nk slim tp arep makin hari makin kurus. kenapa lahhh

ederq said...

ya betol tu. tp kenapa ieda xmcm dia. haha