mata duitan

Monday, December 14, 2009

happily married

alhamdulillah. husband and wife we are now.

i have tonnes of story to blog about.

good stuffs, bad ones. all of them!

soon okay?

anyway, tq to all who came to our wedding! hugsss


fati said...

ok i'm waiting......

murn!e said...

yeay..yeay :)

Ms. Omey said...

dear..cogratssss :))) u both look so beautiful..sama padan (,")

amiza said...

congrats!!welcome to this new journey!!

dialicious said...

heya..congrats again!u looked gorgeous and ur pelamin was nice..cuma sayang saya sampai lambat.Signage kurang membantu lar..huhuhu

meezameez said...

congratulationssss darl!!

oh, sgt tidak sabar utk mendengar cerita2 itu. cepat la masok opis! hihi

Darling Aween said...


Anonymous said...

Ederq dearie,

Sangat CANTIK!GORGEOUS!dari baju ke make up, semuanya superb.Lawa! tak jemu mata memandang. Suka sangat tengok baju ederq.Congrates dear.Jangan Noty2 ya. Jadi wife yang baik..hihihihi

~Kak Aisa@Mummy Izah~

.:pUbLiC_eNeMy:. said...

Congratss kakak..
u look soooo beautiful dat day..
and and your dress sooo gojes..fuhhh..slim gituuu..sape ckp gmok??ok laa..

anyway, happy honeymoon yaa.. :)

.:pUbLiC_eNeMy:. said...

Congratss kakak..
u look soooo beautiful dat day..
and and your dress sooo gojes..fuhhh..slim gituuu..sape ckp gmok??ok laa..

anyway, happy honeymoon yaa.. :)

ederq said...

tq u ladies!!!

diah: sori bout that. mmg payah sket kot nk cari eh. anyway, so glad u came! :)

meeza: bengang weh bengang. aku nk cte psl menda yg kite slalu dok risau tuu!