mata duitan

Thursday, December 31, 2009

the reception

okay, i think i have to write this now as i dont want to blog about this next year! hih

the reception
dewan seri seroja, putrajaya


after nikah, kitaorg heret abang nazim to photoshoot nearby area. pastu kelam kabut balik mekap2 tukar baju untuk reception.

kepak kepung kepak kepung. masa ni macam. wah selama ni dengar kompang orang lain kawen kan. so this time i was like. is this kompang for me? aku sedang kawen ke? ishhh sengal kuasa infiniti.

wah sengihhh

masa berarak, i jalan sgt slow slow control dan few friends said i senyum senget2 maybe sebab nervous sangat. haha! sengal. dan orang kata wah macam mana ederq leh jalan sopan2 ni. hihi my mom dah cakap banyak kali jangan jalan laju. coz i always that type one. nak cepattttt je. hihihi.

pergh masa ni ramai orang lah. terkejut i. rasa macam artis! hihi

and ariff kannnnn... ada ke jalan tunduk2? i told him, b tengok depan lah. and smileeeee. ishhh pemalu betol tau. hihi

my flower girls comel. dan sangat teratur. maybe sebab dorang dah besar. tak payah nak ajar banyak kali. hihi me likee!

then, selawat kat entrance, i have chose hijjaz punya selawat tapi tiba2 saudara mara buat selawat live. oh okay tak apa lah. okay jugak. sebab sume menda dah live. baru lah feel live live.

the entrance

then berarak ke pelamin dengan gamelan. wah this i likeeeee! i likeeee so much!

heart the gamelan sound

this chair is not so comfy for ariff. he kept bending his back. hih

then doa by ayahsu. pergh. masa ni sentap. ayat2 dlm doa tu mmg sentap mmg besh. hampir titis air mata. thank you ayahsu.


then, renjis2. my brothers naughty. abes di campak2 bunga rampai. haha! i knew it!

direnjis2 ummy n abah

did i tell you of the henna story? done by ayin n dayu from dayu design. (free! sponsored by ayin. hihi) and i worn it too long that it turns very black! lucky i had time to sental! fewh.

then, makan beradap. haha! tak sempat makan. masa ni lapa gila sebenarnya. haha

makan dgn adap

merry happy clappy!

then the montage shown were - childhood montage, engagement and nikah montage. yeah the projector was not in good condition but people were still watching and laughed on our nikah montage. sebab kelakar masa nak tunggu sah ke tak. me and ariff punya mata macam kiri kanan kiri kanan. haha! ish tengok sendirilah tak reti nak describe. hihi


then, abah berucap. then tiba2 potong kek. ok i tak sempat makan dah kena potong kek ke? haha!

tiba2 kannn tengok2 pisau ptg kek tidak ada. gimikkk la kononnnn. konon2 kena jawab soalan dulu baru dapat potong kek. okay fine siapa punya idea ni. mesti abg bainuri lah. cehhh.

arep dah terketar2 menjawab. esp bila part ucapan. and i forgot to prepare myself. main cakap je. isshhhhhhhh
ariff nervous

then after that macam biasalah, beramas mesra dan berambil gambar.

i'm so happy that many friends came to celebrate us. yang i appreciate adalah kawan2 stf yang sudi jugak datang even da lama tak jumpa. huhu tq ladies. tq facebook! hahah!


tidak dilupakan my lovely glowing gedixbabes! muah muahhh

dan jugak kak mas yang dah berzaman lah tak jumpa. zaman2 sekolah agama kat rumah kedai. haha! terharuuu

with kak mas

ada jugak yang tak dapat dtg tp takpela nak buat macam mana kan. kan banyak kenduri time tu. cuti sekolah standard ah. huhu. sorry tak dapat nak upload semua gambar the rest in this post.

and what i admire the most is my family support! everyone plays their part. the event will not be a success without their effort. thank you sangat2 stay sampai pagi the night before for rehearsal. and berpenat lelah untuk event kak long ok.

walaupun muka kak long macam nak tahan kentot, kak long tetap upload sebab u all semua comel in this pix!

yang kelakar urusetia logistik - pembetul red carpet. haha! nampak macam senang tapiiii itulah paling penat sebab asikkk tersenget2. hhiihi sian korang.

as for my parents, this is their first time having kenduri. kesian sangat2 ummy. penat gila dia. masa event tu mata separuh terbukak.penat sangat2.

then after that, abg nazim n abg wira n yusuf (all from dinawedding group) diheret untuk photoshoot outdoor.

oh man, finally it is done! lega sangat2. happy sangat2. i didnt sleep enough for the past few days. and i thought i will not have the energy for the day. but man, i was wrong. tuhan pinjamkan tenaga dari mana tak tahu lah. i didnt feel tired at all. i cant stop smiling (despite of gigi jarang yang sentiasa diejek cousins. ceh!)

tapi bila balik rumah after outdoor photoshoot, dah mandi2 semua dan nak makan.

perrgh lapar gila badan terketar2. dan perut masuk angin. tapi pegi makan nasik jugak. then zasss i cant walk staright. gastrik sudah datang. perut sudah masuk hangin.

and the best part is ada hubby tolong sapukan ubat. awww bestnyaaaaa. terus kentut2 keluar angin dan legaaaa. hihihi.

so few things as penutup:

  1. thank you to all for coming to our wedding!
  2. thank you for the gifts! remember my previous post on wish list? i got 90% of what i listed! wow! rezeki. thank you all! muah muahhh. dan ada jugakk dapat baju baby ok. aiman bagi. ish ishhh sabar yaa. haha. and kelakar si debab tu bagi black lingerie. ceh iya2 cakap jgn bukak depan orang la apalah. sekali kann. the box terjatuh kat meja hadiah. dan semua orang kat situ dah nampak. hahah! eh tapi me n ariff sukaaa hadiah itu. hihih. as for cadar and comforter set, i dont have to but for 2 years kot. haha! microwave pun dapat 2, visions etc etc wah kena rajin masakkk.
  3. minta maaf terkurang terlebih on the event :)
  4. thank you to family and friends yang tolong my event. my puan pengapit, iza - for your time and mira n olynn for jaga at guess book table!
13/12/2009 - the best day in my life. alhamdulillah :)


AinuLFadZ said...


RENDA said...

Hi,really nice wedding dress!! :)
U nk rent it x?
My wedding punya bj adalah disaster.
Ada terkoyak kat bhgn lengan
Do you mind to mail me the details?
Thanxx..really appreciate

ederq said...

ainulfadz: tq :)

RENDA: email sent! and tq so much :)

Jay said...

congrats on ur wedding..

jumpe blog ni dari blog diah..hehehehe xsangke akak pun blogging gak..

jay satu skolah ngn akak dl mase kat bbsb tapi jay junior satu tahun...

u look so beautifull.... :)

Jay said...

ohh btw nak link ur blog boleh?? is it ok for u??

Jay said...

ohh btw nak link ur blog boleh?? is it ok for u??

Lea Shmea said...

congrats on your wedding! u look gorgeous dear. :)

ederq said...

jay: tq so much. hehe berjumpa blk ya.
oh link la. xkesah je. hih.

kak mas: hihi kentut tanda cinta sejati. haha

lea shmea: tq very much :)

Riena said...

mind share about nurul arbee... i ingt nk ambil diaa.. u rasa ok x? email la sennag..

ederq said...

hi riena. personally, i wasnt happy with her. maybe i was unlucky.
anyway, i'll be away till next week. i'll email u soon ok.

aziraarif said...

santek la ieda oi...

ederq said...

time kaseh azira!

Unknown said...

kakak, i'm interested on ur wedding dress...mind to share the details wif me?

Unknown said...

kakak, i'm interested on ur wedding dress...mind to share the details wif me?

Anonymous said...


bolwh tak nak tau more about the dewan? I thought you were holding the reception at dewan seri melati or somewhere. Anyways, I'm planning to hold mine in Putrajaya area cuma x sure dewan mane yg okay.

How many people boleh muat dlm dewan ni? Thnks sis! and you look very2 pretty mase nikah and reception tu.


email me?
